If we do not form the habit of thinking as children, we shall lose the power of thinking for the rest of our life.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education (1762). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Emile, or On Education
Topic power life
Date 1762
Language English
Note Translated by Barbara Foxley
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/5427/pg5427-images.html


“the prejudices you fear to teach him he will acquire from those about him, they will find their way through every one of his senses; they will either corrupt his reason before it is fully developed or his mind will become torpid through inaction, and will become engrossed in material things. If we do not form the habit of thinking as children, we shall lose the power of thinking for the rest of our life. I fancy I could easily answer that objection, but why should I answer every objection? If my method itself answers your objections, it is good; if not, it is good for nothing. I continue my explanation.” source