Mankind are not perfect, but one age is more or less hypocritical than another, and then simpletons say that its morality is high or low.
 Honoré de Balzac, Father Goriot (1835). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Father Goriot
Topic morality age
Date 1835
Language English
Note Translated by Ellen Marriage


“If I take this tone in speaking of the world to you, I have the right to do so; I know it well. Do you think that I am blaming it? Far from it; the world has always been as it is now. Moralists’ strictures will never change it. Mankind are not perfect, but one age is more or less hypocritical than another, and then simpletons say that its morality is high or low. I do not think that the rich are any worse than the poor; man is much the same, high or low, or wherever he is. In a million of these human cattle there may be half a score of bold spirits who rise above the rest, above the laws;” source