what men call sensible
Is oft mere vanity and narrowness.
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1808). copy citation

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Source Faust
Topic vanity narrowness
Date 1808
Language English
Note Translated by Bayard Taylor
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14591/14591-h/14591-h.htm


“Then, worthy Sir, improve betimes your chances! [They pass. MARGARET Yes, out of sight is out of mind! Your courtesy an easy grace is; But you have friends in other places, And sensibler than I, you'll find. FAUST Trust me, dear heart! what men call sensible Is oft mere vanity and narrowness. MARGARET How so? FAUST Ah, that simplicity and innocence ne'er know Themselves, their holy value, and their spell! That meekness, lowliness, the highest graces Which Nature portions out so lovingly—” source