A good man, through obscurest aspiration,
Has still an instinct of the one true way.
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1808). copy citation

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Source Faust
Topic instinct aspiration
Date 1808
Language English
Note Translated by Bayard Taylor
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14591/14591-h/14591-h.htm


“What thou hast asked is granted. Turn off this spirit from his fountain-head; To trap him, let thy snares be planted, And him, with thee, be downward led; Then stand abashed, when thou art forced to say: A good man, through obscurest aspiration, Has still an instinct of the one true way. MEPHISTOPHELES Agreed! But 'tis a short probation. About my bet I feel no trepidation. If I fulfill my expectation, You'll let me triumph with a swelling breast: Dust shall he eat, and with a zest,” source