No tyrant has ever yet succeeded in his purpose without carrying the victim with him, it may be, as it often is, by force.
 Mahatma Gandhi, Freedom's Battle Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation (1922). copy citation

Author Mahatma Gandhi
Source Freedom's Battle Being a Comprehensive Collection of Writings and Speeches on the Present Situation
Topic force purpose
Date 1922
Language English


“We have a better method. Unlike that of violence it certainly involves the exercise of restraint and patience: but it requires also resoluteness of will. This method is to refuse to be party to the wrong. No tyrant has ever yet succeeded in his purpose without carrying the victim with him, it may be, as it often is, by force. Most people choose rather to yield to the will of the tyrant than to suffer for the consequences of resistance. Hence does terrorism form part of the stock-in-trade of the tyrant. But we have instances in history where terrorism has failed to impose the terrorist's will upon his victim.” source