Blaise Pascal quote about justice from Pensées - Justice without might is helpless; might without justice is tyrannical.
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Justice without might is helpless; might without justice is tyrannical.
 Blaise Pascal, Pensées (1670). copy citation

Author Blaise Pascal
Source Pensées
Topic justice power force
Date 1670
Language English
Note Translated by W. F. Trotter


“118]—We have it no more; if we had it, we should take conformity to the customs of a country as the rule of justice. It is here that, not finding justice, we have found force, etc.
298 Justice, might.—It is right that what is just should be obeyed; it is necessary that what is strongest should be obeyed. Justice without might is helpless; might without justice is tyrannical. Justice without might is gainsaid, because there are always offenders; might without justice is condemned. We must then combine justice and might, and for this end make what is just strong, or what is strong just.” source
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