Quote of the day
Ham on Rye quotes
Charles Bukowski
“Getting drunk was good. I decided that I would always like getting drunk. It took away the obvious and maybe if you could get away from the obvious often enough, you wouldn't become obvious yourself.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“It didn't pay to trust another human being. Humans didn't have it, whatever it took.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“Only assholes talk about writing…”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even during the day with the covers pulled up to my chin. It was good in there, nothing ever occurred in there, no people, nothing.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“It was a joy. Words weren't dull, words were things that could make your mind hum. If you read them and let yourself feel the magic, you could live without pain, with hope, no matter what happened to you.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I had decided against religion a couple of years back. If it were true, it made fools out of people, or it drew fools. And if it weren't true, the fools were all the more foolish.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I had always been good company for myself.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the mad were often allowed to mingle freely.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“What a weary time those years were—to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“You'll never be a writer if you hide from reality.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“News travels fast in places where nothing much ever happens.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“So, that's what they wanted: lies. Beautiful lies. That's what they needed. People were fools. It was going to be easy for me.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I didn't want to be anything anyhow. And I was certainly succeeding.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I drank in my words like a thirsty man. I even began to believe them.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I was an Agnostic. Agnostics didn't have much to argue about.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“It seemed better to delay thinking...”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“They laughed. Things were funny. They weren't afraid to care. There was no sense to life, to the structure of things.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“They experimented on the poor and if that worked they used the treatment on the rich. And if it didn't work, there would still be more poor left over to experiment upon.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I didn't have any friends at school, didn't want any. I felt better being alone. I sat on a bench and watched the others play and they looked foolish to me.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I often stood in front of the mirror alone, wondering how ugly a person could get.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I don't trust men with limp handshakes.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“What you must do, with money and the poor, is never let them get too close to one another.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“Wealth meant victory and victory was the only reality. What woman chooses to live with a dishwasher?”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“You can't overestimate the stupidity of the general public.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I knew I was strong, and maybe like they said, 'crazy.' But I had this feeling inside of me that something real was there.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“And nothing was interesting, nothing. The people were restrictive and careful, all alike. And I've got to live with these fuckers for the rest of my life, I thought.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“You can forgive a fool because he only runs in one direction and doesn't deceive anybody. It's the deceivers who make you feel bad.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I liked the area, it had great shade trees, and since some people had told me that I was ugly, I always preferred shade to the sun, darkness to light.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“All a guy needed was a chance. Somebody was always controlling who got a chance and who didn't.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“Everything was eternally dreary, dismal, damned. Even the weather was insolent and bitchy.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I heard an airplane passing overhead. I wished I was on it.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“The family structure. Victory over adversity through the family. He believed in it. Take the family, mix with God and Country, add the ten-hour day and you had what was needed.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“Walking out with the people, I didn't know which was more exciting, the air race, the parachute jump that failed, or the cunt.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I wasn't interested in world history, only my own.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“If you can hit a guy once, you can hit him twice.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“Well, if the funeral was mine I'd have to be on time. If the wedding was mine it would be my funeral.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“People don't do me much good.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I made practice runs down to skid row to get ready for my future.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“I'm unhappy. If I was a cynic it would probably make me feel better.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
“The parents of rich kids tended to be more patriotic because they had more to lose if the country went under.”
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye
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