When man acts he is a puppet. When he describes he is a poet.
 Oscar Wilde, Intentions (1891). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source Intentions
Topic poet acts
Date 1891
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/887/887-h/887-h.htm


“Let us go back to the more gracious fields of literature. What was it you said? That it was more difficult to talk about a thing than to do it? Gilbert (after a pause) . Yes: I believe I ventured upon that simple truth. Surely you see now that I am right? When man acts he is a puppet. When he describes he is a poet. The whole secret lies in that. It was easy enough on the sandy plains by windy Ilion to send the notched arrow from the painted bow, or to hurl against the shield of hide and flamelike brass the long ash-handled spear.” source