We are not ourselves When nature, being oppress'd, commands the mind To suffer with the body.
 William Shakespeare, King Lear (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source King Lear
Topic suffering body
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1603 and 1606
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1128/pg1128-images.html


“Are they inform'd of this? My breath and blood! Fiery? the fiery Duke? Tell the hot Duke that- No, but not yet! May be he is not well. Infirmity doth still neglect all office Whereto our health is bound. We are not ourselves When nature, being oppress'd, commands the mind To suffer with the body. I'll forbear; And am fallen out with my more headier will, To take the indispos'd and sickly fit For the sound man.- Death on my state! Wherefore Should be sit here? This act persuades me That this remotion of the Duke and her Is practice only.” source