When one has proper feelings one is better off than millionaires.
 Émile Zola, L'Assommoir (1877). copy citation

Author Émile Zola
Source L'Assommoir
Topic feelings
Date 1877
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8600/8600-h/8600-h.htm


“repeated Gervaise, looking on the ground and scarcely understanding what she said. “She is a sister now—nothing but a sister!” murmured Lantier in his turn. “Mon Dieu! shake hands,” cried Coupeau, “and let those who don’t like it go to blazes! When one has proper feelings one is better off than millionaires. For myself I prefer friendship before everything because friendship is friendship and there’s nothing to beat it.” He dealt himself heavy blows on the chest, and seemed so moved that they had to calm him.” source