No one of course likes to be crushed; in families especially when the one succeeds, the others do not like it
 Émile Zola, L'Assommoir (1877). copy citation

Author Émile Zola
Source L'Assommoir
Topic family
Date 1877
Language English


“Now just look at them over there; they’ve no saliva left in their mouths, they’re chewing their lips.” “It’s quite painful to see people as jealous as that,” murmured Gervaise. Really the Lorilleuxs had a funny look about them. No one of course likes to be crushed; in families especially when the one succeeds, the others do not like it; that is only natural. Only one keeps it in, one does not make an exhibition of oneself. Well! The Lorilleuxs could not keep it in. It was more than a match for them. They squinted—their mouths were all on one side.” source