Business must think less of its own profit and more of the national function it performs.
 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Looking Forward (1933). copy citation


“Whether we are thinking of the heart-breaking problem of present distress and of the possibilities of preventing its recurrence in the future, or whether we are merely thinking about the prosperity and continuity of industry itself, we know now that some measure of regularisation and planning for balance among industries, and for envisaging production as a national activity, must be devised. We must set up some new objectives; we must have new kinds of management. Business must think less of its own profit and more of the national function it performs. Each unit of it must think of itself as part of a greater whole, one piece in a larger design. [Pg 245] I believe with all my heart that business and professional men have a high sense of their responsibilities as American citizens and a high regard for the public welfare.” source