We aren’t an organised body of men, and the only thing that holds us together is just the name for that kind of decency.
 Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim (1900). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Lord Jim
Topic decency body
Date 1900
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5658/5658-h/5658-h.htm


“We are trusted. Do you understand?—trusted! Frankly, I don’t care a snap for all the pilgrims that ever came out of Asia, but a decent man would not have behaved like this to a full cargo of old rags in bales. We aren’t an organised body of men, and the only thing that holds us together is just the name for that kind of decency. Such an affair destroys one’s confidence. A man may go pretty near through his whole sea-life without any call to show a stiff upper lip. But when the call comes . . . Aha! . . . If I . . .” ‘He broke off, and in a changed tone,” source