We are but poor men that are trying in our own way to get our rights.
 Arthur Conan Doyle, The Valley of Fear (1915). copy citation

Author Arthur Conan Doyle
Source The Valley of Fear
Topic right
Date 1915
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3289/3289-h/3289-h.htm


“'McMurdo the Scowrer,' that's what one of our boarders called you yesterday. It went through my heart like a knife.” “Sure, hard words break no bones.” “But they were true.” “Well, dear, it's not so bad as you think. We are but poor men that are trying in our own way to get our rights.” Ettie threw her arms round her lover's neck. “Give it up, Jack! For my sake, for God's sake, give it up! It was to ask you that I came here to-day. Oh, Jack, see—I beg it of you on my bended knees!” source