Society and mankind in masses are fatalists; they bow down and worship the accomplished fact.
 Honoré de Balzac, Lost Illusions (1843). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Lost Illusions
Topic mankind masses
Date 1843
Language English
Note Translated by Ellen Marriage


“And do you ask why you must do these things? You mean to rule the world, do you not? You must begin by obeying and studying it. Scholars study books; politicians study men, and their interests and the springs of action. Society and mankind in masses are fatalists; they bow down and worship the accomplished fact. Do you know why I am giving you this little history lesson? It seems to me that your ambition is boundless——" "Yes, father." "I saw that myself," said the priest. "But at this moment you are thinking, 'Here is this Spanish canon inventing anecdotes and straining history to prove to me that I have too much virtue——'"” source