Cruelty we can forgive; those who hurt us must have still some faith in us
 Honoré de Balzac, Lost Illusions (1843). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Lost Illusions
Topic cruelty faith
Date 1843
Language English
Note Translated by Ellen Marriage


“"My poor Louise felt so much affection for you," she said. "She took me into her confidence; I knew her dreams of a great career for you. She would have borne a great deal, but what scorn you showed her when you sent back her letters! Cruelty we can forgive; those who hurt us must have still some faith in us; but indifference! Indifference is like polar snows, it extinguishes all life. So, you must see that you have lost a precious affection through your own fault. Why break with her? Even if she had scorned you, you had your way to make, had you not?—your name to win back?” source