One should never let any of the faculties of nature lie fallow.
 Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary (1856). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Madame Bovary
Topic lie
Date 1856
Language English
Note Translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling


“And when anyone came to see her, she did not fail to inform them she had given up music, and could not begin again now for important reasons. Then people commiserated her— “What a pity! she had so much talent!” They even spoke to Bovary about it. They put him to shame, and especially the chemist. “You are wrong. One should never let any of the faculties of nature lie fallow. Besides, just think, my good friend, that by inducing madame to study; you are economising on the subsequent musical education of your child. For my own part, I think that mothers ought themselves to instruct their children.” source