Quote of the day
Margaret Thatcher quotes
“Human rights did not begin with the French Revolution…”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“Being prime minister is a lonely job.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“Freedom will destroy itself if it is not exercised within some sort of moral framework, some body of shared beliefs, some spiritual heritage transmitted through the Church, the family and the school.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Path to Power
“This was no time to go wobbly.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“There are significant differences between the American and European versions of capitalism. The American traditionally emphasizes the need for limited government, light regulation, low taxes and maximum labour-market flexibility. Its success has...”
Margaret Thatcher
The Path to Power
“What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner ‘I stand for consensus’?”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“The Russians are bent on world dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has seen. The men in the Soviet Politburo do not have to worry about the ebb and flow of public opinion. They...”
Margaret Thatcher
The Path to Power
“But nothing is more obstinate than a fashionable consensus.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“No theory of government was ever given a fairer test or a more prolonged experiment in a democratic country than democratic socialism received in Britain. Yet it was a miserable failure in every respect.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“Of course, to be a mother and a housewife is a vocation of a very high kind. But I simply felt that it was not the whole of my vocation. I knew that I also wanted a career.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Path to Power
“We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain only to see them reimposed at a European level, with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“In a cold as in a hot war it pays to know the enemy — not least because at some time in the future you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“At one end of the spectrum are the terrorist gangs within our borders, and the terrorist states which finance and arm them. At the other are the hard Left operating inside our system, conspiring to use union power and the apparatus of local...”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“Now, all the general propositions favouring freedom I had either imbibed at my father’s knee or acquired by candle-end reading of Burke and Hayek were suddenly embodied in the worshippers and their children and illuminated by their smiles.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Path to Power
“There are individual men and women, and there are families”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
“To cure the British disease with socialism was like trying to cure leukaemia with leeches.”
Margaret Thatcher
The Downing Street Years
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The Downing Street Years
The Path to Power
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