World without beginning and world without end are one;
Reason finds no entrance when mind is thus lost.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic reason mind
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book I
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield


“By night I slept not for the burning pangs of love; So that I passed by days and nights, As the point of a spear glances off a shield. For in that state all faith is one, A hundred thousand years and a moment are all one; World without beginning and world without end are one; Reason finds no entrance when mind is thus lost." The Prophet again urged Zaid to deliver to him a present from that celestial region, as a token that he had really been there in the spirit. Zaid answered that he had seen the eight heavens and the seven hells, and the destinies of all men, whether bound to heaven or hell.” source