A mirror is what Beauty busies itself with.
Since Not-being is tho mirror of Being,
If you are wise, choose Not-being (self-abnegation) .
Being may be displayed in that Not-being,
Wealthy men show their liberality on the poor.
He who is an hungered is the clear mirror of bread,
The tinder is the mirror of the flint and steel.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic mirror bread
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book I
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Masnavi_I_Ma'navi/Book_I


“The friend replied that he had long considered what gift would be most suitable to offer, and at last had fixed upon a mirror, which he accordingly produced from his pocket and presented to Joseph, at the same time begging him to admire his own beauteous face in it. Defect and Not-being the Mirror wherein Absolute Perfect Being is reflected 1. He drew forth a mirror from his side A mirror is what Beauty busies itself with. Since Not-being is tho mirror of Being, If you are wise, choose Not-being (self-abnegation) . Being may be displayed in that Not-being, Wealthy men show their liberality on the poor. He who is an hungered is the clear mirror of bread, The tinder is the mirror of the flint and steel. Not-being and Defect, wherever they occur, Are the mirrors of the Beauty of all beings. Because Not-being is a clear filtered essence, Wherein all these beings are infused. When a garment is made by a good tailor,” source