The world of souls is itself entirely knowledge,
And he who is void of knowledge is void of soul.
 Rumi, Masnavi (1273). copy citation

Author Rumi
Source Masnavi
Topic soul void
Date 1273
Language English
Reference Masnavi, Book VI
Note Translated by Edward Henry Whinfield


“He who knows most is most full of soul. Knowledge is the effect flowing from soul; He who has most of it is most godlike. Seeing then, beloved, that knowledge is the mark of soul, He who knows most has the strongest soul. The world of souls is itself entirely knowledge, And he who is void of knowledge is void of soul. When knowledge is lacking in a man s nature, His soul is like a stone on the plain. Primal Soul is the theatre of God's court, Soul of souls the exhibition of God Himself. All the angels were pure reason and soul,” source