One can win nothing but honour in repairing any evil one has done
 George Sand, Mauprat (1837). copy citation

Author George Sand
Source Mauprat
Topic evil honour
Date 1837
Language English
Note Translated by John Oliver Hobbes


“I said, "is there no shame in a man ripened, as I am now, by reflection, and roughly tried by war, submitting like a child to the caprices of a woman?" "No," replied Arthur, "there is no shame in that; and the conduct of this woman is not dictated by caprice. One can win nothing but honour in repairing any evil one has done; and how few men are capable of it! It is only just that offended modesty should claim its rights and its natural independence. You have behaved like Albion; do not be astonished that Edmée behaves like Philadelphia.” source