Young men who are destined for high places are not often fortunate in those who are about them, their companions and teachers
 Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (c. 170 - 180). copy citation

Author Marcus Aurelius
Source Meditations
Topic teachers
Date c. 170 - 180
Language English
Note Translated by George Long


“What he learned from this excellent man is told by himself (i. 9) . His favorite teacher was Q. Junius Rusticus (i. 7) , a philosopher, and also a man of practical good sense in public affairs. Rusticus was the adviser of Antoninus after he became emperor. Young men who are destined for high places are not often fortunate in those who are about them, their companions and teachers; and I do not know any example of a young prince having had an education which can be compared with that of M. Antoninus. Such a body of teachers distinguished by their acquirements and their character will hardly be collected again;” source