The vain person wants praise, applause, admiration, too much and is always angling for it.
 C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (1952). copy citation

Author C. S. Lewis
Source Mere Christianity
Topic admiration praise
Date 1952
Language English
Note Adapted from a series of BBC radio talks made between 1942 and 1944


“When you delight wholly in yourself and do not care about the praise at all, you have reached the bottom. That is why vanity, though it is the sort of Pride which shows most on the surface, is really the least bad and most pardonable sort. The vain person wants praise, applause, admiration, too much and is always angling for it. It is a fault, but a child-like and even (in an odd way) a humble fault. It shows that you are not yet completely contented with your own admiration. You value other people enough to want them to look at you.” source