Few men have less need to cry for change than I have, personally speaking—that is, for self and family. I am not one of those who have nothing to lose
 George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Middlemarch
Topic change crying
Date 1872
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/145/145-h/145-h.htm


“myself seen into the ins and outs there; which is a rebuke to human pride. But as to one family, there’s debtor and creditor, I hope; they’re not going to reform that away; else I should vote for things staying as they are. Few men have less need to cry for change than I have, personally speaking—that is, for self and family. I am not one of those who have nothing to lose: I mean as to respectability both in parish and private business, and noways in respect of your honorable self and custom, which you was good enough to say you would not withdraw from me, vote or no vote, while the article sent in was satisfactory.”” source