Hatred then is generated by the fancy that the person hated is either bad generally or bad to oneself.
 Plutarch, Moralia (c. 100 AD). copy citation

Author Plutarch
Source Moralia
Topic hate hatred
Date c. 100 AD
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Richard Shilleto
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/23639/23639-h/23639-h.htm


“And so we think benevolence the opposite of both these passions, being as it is a wish for our neighbour's good, and we think hate and envy identical, for the desire of both is the very opposite of benevolence. But since their similarities are not so great as their dissimilarities, let us investigate and trace out these two passions from their origin. § ii. Hatred then is generated by the fancy that the person hated is either bad generally or bad to oneself. For those who think they are wronged naturally hate those who they think wrong them, and dislike and are on their guard against those who are injurious or bad to others;762 but people envy merely those they think prosperous.” source