The man who is a capitalist and nothing else, who gambles with the fruits of other men's labours, deserves all that is said against him.
 Henry Ford, My Life and Work (1922). copy citation

Author Henry Ford
Source My Life and Work
Topic gambling labour
Date 1922
Language English


“We who have been and still are a part of the labouring class know that the statements are untrue. Take certain of the labour papers. You are equally amazed by some of the statements they make about "capitalists." And yet on both sides there is a grain of truth. The man who is a capitalist and nothing else, who gambles with the fruits of other men's labours, deserves all that is said against him. He is in precisely the same class as the cheap gambler who cheats workingmen out of their wages. The statements we read about the labouring class in the capitalistic press are seldom written by managers of great industries, but by a class of writers who are writing what they think will please their employers.” source