but if a man makes gain, his action is ascribed to no form of wickedness but injustice.
 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (c. 334 BC - 330 BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Nicomachean Ethics
Topic action wickedness
Date c. 334 BC - 330 BC
Language English
Note Translated by W. D. Ross
Weblink http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.mb.txt


“Again, all other unjust acts are ascribed invariably to some particular kind of wickedness, e.g. adultery to self-indulgence, the desertion of a comrade in battle to cowardice, physical violence to anger; but if a man makes gain, his action is ascribed to no form of wickedness but injustice. Evidently, therefore, there is apart from injustice in the wide sense another, 'particular', injustice which shares the name and nature of the first, because its definition falls within the same genus;” source