Curing a madman is not arguing with a philosopher; it is casting out a devil.
 G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy (1908). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source Orthodoxy
Topic cure arguing
Date 1908
Language English


“he will go round and round his logical circle, just as a man in a third-class carriage on the Inner Circle will go round and round the Inner Circle unless he performs the voluntary, vigorous, and mystical act of getting out at Gower Street. Decision is the whole business here; a door must be shut for ever. Every remedy is a desperate remedy. Every cure is a miraculous cure. Curing a madman is not arguing with a philosopher; it is casting out a devil. And however quietly doctors and psychologists may go to work in the matter, their attitude is profoundly intolerant— as intolerant as Bloody Mary. Their attitude is really this: that the man must stop thinking, if he is to go on living.” source