A man must be interested in life, then he could be disinterested in his views of it.
 G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy (1908). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source Orthodoxy
Topic life view
Date 1908
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/130/pg130-images.html


“and the more it is bound the less it is blind. This at least had come to be my position about all that was called optimism, pessimism, and improvement. Before any cosmic act of reform we must have a cosmic oath of allegiance. A man must be interested in life, then he could be disinterested in his views of it. "My son give me thy heart"; the heart must be fixed on the right thing: the moment we have a fixed heart we have a free hand. I must pause to anticipate an obvious criticism. It will be said that a rational person accepts the world as mixed of good and evil with a decent satisfaction and a decent endurance.” source