There is great good to be got out of a squinting brain, if one only knows how to profit by it.
 Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Over the Teacups (1891). copy citation

Author Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Source Over the Teacups
Topic profit good
Date 1891
Language English


“That found expression in a few oh, oh's, eheu's, helas, helas's, and when the passion had burned itself out you got the rhymed verses, which, as I have said, are its ashes. I thanked Number Seven for his poetical illustration of my thesis. There is great good to be got out of a squinting brain, if one only knows how to profit by it. We see only one side of the moon, you know, but a fellow with a squinting brain seems now and then to get a peep at the other side. I speak metaphorically. He takes new and startling views of things we have always looked at in one particular aspect.” source