Squinting brains are a great deal more common than we should at first sight believe.
 Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Over the Teacups (1891). copy citation

Author Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Source Over the Teacups
Topic sight brains
Date 1891
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2689/2689-h/2689-h.htm


“His brain was an active one, like that of his famous relative, but it was full of random ideas, unconnected trains of thought, whims, crotchets, erratic suggestions. Knowing him, I could interpret the mental characteristics of the whole family connection in the light of its exaggerated peculiarities as exhibited in my odd fellow-boarder. Squinting brains are a great deal more common than we should at first sight believe. Here is a great book, a solid octavo of five hundred pages, full of the vagaries of this class of organizations. I hope to refer to this work hereafter, but just now I will only say that, after reading till one is tired the strange fancies of the squarers of the circle, the inventors of perpetual motion, and the rest of the moonstruck dreamers, most persons will confess to themselves that they have had notions as wild, conceptions as extravagant, theories as baseless, as the least rational of those which are here recorded.” source