But nature often deceives us, and does not subject herself to her own rules.
 Blaise Pascal, Pensées (1670). copy citation

Author Blaise Pascal
Source Pensées
Topic rules subject
Date 1670
Language English
Note Translated by W. F. Trotter
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18269/18269-h/18269-h.htm


“quod ante non viderit, id si evenerit, ostentum esse censet. [56] (Cic. 583.) [Pg 29] 91 Spongia solis. [57] —When we see the same effect always recur, we infer a natural necessity in it, as that there will be a to-morrow, etc. But nature often deceives us, and does not subject herself to her own rules. 92 What are our natural principles but principles of custom? In children they are those which they have received from the habits of their fathers, as hunting in animals. A different custom will cause different natural principles.” source