In order to gratify women a talent is necessary different from that other gift which pleases them still more
 Montesquieu, Persian Letters (1721). copy citation

Author Montesquieu
Source Persian Letters
Topic women talent
Date 1721
Language English
Note Translated by John Davidson


“Dissimulation, that art so practised and so necessary with us, is here unknown: they say everything, see everything, and hear everything; hearts are as open as faces; in manners, in virtue, even in vice, one detects always a certain artlessness. In order to gratify women a talent is necessary different from that other gift which pleases them still more; it consists in a sort of playfulness of mind, which entertains them, as it seems to promise them every moment what one cannot perform except occasionally. The gaiety of mind naturally adapted to the dressing-room1 seems to be forming the general character of the nation:” source