There is not one of your wives who does not deem herself superior to the others by her birth, her beauty, her wealth, her intellect, or her love
 Montesquieu, Persian Letters (1721). copy citation

Author Montesquieu
Source Persian Letters
Topic wealth beauty
Date 1721
Language English
Note Translated by John Davidson


“your eunuchs are divided; nothing is heard bur murmurs, complaints, reproaches; my remonstrances are despised: everything seems to be permitted in this time of licence, and I am nothing but a name in the seraglio. There is not one of your wives who does not deem herself superior to the others by her birth, her beauty, her wealth, her intellect, or her love; and who does not claim every preference on the score of the value she sets upon one or other of these titles to respect. I lose every moment that long-suffering patience, with which, nevertheless, I have had the misfortune to displease them all:” source