if one follows those of justice, one is banished for ever from the society of men
 Montesquieu, Persian Letters (1721). copy citation

Author Montesquieu
Source Persian Letters
Topic justice society
Date 1721
Language English
Note Translated by John Davidson
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Persian_Letters


“for these laws of honour require a gentleman to avenge himself when he has been insulted; but, on the other hand, justice punishes him unmercifully when he does so. If one follows the laws of honour, one dies upon the scaffold; if one follows those of justice, one is banished for ever from the society of men: this, then, is the barbarous alternative, either to die, or to be unworthy to live. Paris, the 18th of the second moon of Gemmadi, 1715. Letter 92 1Usbek to Rustan, at Ispahan THERE has appeared here a person who burlesques the part of Persian ambassador, and insolently makes sport of the two greatest kings in the world.” source