Sometimes we are led by our feelings, rather than by our reason, to think of the good and wise only as existing in another life.
 Plato, Phaedo. copy citation

Author Plato
Source Phaedo
Topic reason feelings
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“Whatever answer is given by us to these questions, there still remains the necessity of allowing the permanence of evil, if not for ever, at any rate for a time, in order that the wicked 'may not have too good a bargain.' For the annihilation of evil at death, or the eternal duration of it, seem to involve equal difficulties in the moral government of the universe. Sometimes we are led by our feelings, rather than by our reason, to think of the good and wise only as existing in another life. Why should the mean, the weak, the idiot, the infant, the herd of men who have never in any proper sense the use of reason, reappear with blinking eyes in the light of another world? But our second thought is that the hope of humanity is a common one, and that all or none will be partakers of immortality.” source