The worst of men are objects of pity rather than of anger to the philanthropist
 Plato, Phaedo. copy citation

Author Plato
Source Phaedo
Topic anger pity
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“Reason does not allow us to suppose that we have any greater claims than others, and experience may often reveal to us unexpected flashes of the higher nature in those whom we had despised. Why should the wicked suffer any more than ourselves? had we been placed in their circumstances should we have been any better than they? The worst of men are objects of pity rather than of anger to the philanthropist; must they not be equally such to divine benevolence? Even more than the good they have need of another life; not that they may be punished, but that they may be educated. These are a few of the reflections which arise in our minds when we attempt to assign any form to our conceptions of a future state.” source