When once a woman is married she should be regarded as having thrown off her allegiance to her own sex.
 Anthony Trollope, Phineas Redux (1874). copy citation

Author Anthony Trollope
Source Phineas Redux
Topic sex women
Date 1874
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18640/18640-h/18640-h.htm


“Though why it shouldn't be the other way I don't know. He's a friend of yours." "Certainly." "And an especial friend, I suppose. As a matter of course Violet talks to me about you both." "No doubt she does. When once a woman is married she should be regarded as having thrown off her allegiance to her own sex. She is sure to be treacherous at any rate in one direction. Not that Lady Chiltern can tell anything of me that might not be told to all the world as far as I am concerned." "There is nothing in it, then?"” source