An old man, let him be ever so old, can do what he likes with himself and his belongings.
 Anthony Trollope, Phineas Redux (1874). copy citation

Author Anthony Trollope
Source Phineas Redux
Date 1874
Language English


“She had liked Lady Glencora,—had enjoyed her friend's society, and been happy in her friend's company,—but she had always felt that Lady Glencora's attraction to herself had been simply on the score of the Duke. It was necessary that the Duke should be pampered and kept in good humour. An old man, let him be ever so old, can do what he likes with himself and his belongings. To keep the Duke out of harm's way Lady Glencora had opened her arms to Madame Goesler. Such, at least, was the interpretation which Madame Goesler chose to give to the history of the last three years.” source