It is out of nature that any man should think it good that his own order should be repressed, curtailed, and deprived of its power.
 Anthony Trollope, Phineas Redux (1874). copy citation

Author Anthony Trollope
Source Phineas Redux
Topic power good
Date 1874
Language English


“They were in earnest with all their hearts, and did believe,—not that the crack of doom was coming, which they could have borne with equanimity if convinced that their influence would last to the end,—but that the Evil One was to be made welcome upon the earth by Act of Parliament. It is out of nature that any man should think it good that his own order should be repressed, curtailed, and deprived of its power. If we go among cab-drivers or letter-carriers, among butlers or gamekeepers, among tailors or butchers, among farmers or graziers, among doctors or attorneys, we shall find in each set of men a conviction that the welfare of the community depends upon the firmness with which they,—especially they,—hold their own.” source