But it can't be right that a woman should pretend to love a man whom she loathes.
 Anthony Trollope, Phineas Redux (1874). copy citation

Author Anthony Trollope
Source Phineas Redux
Topic love women
Date 1874
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18640/18640-h/18640-h.htm


“I am conscious, too, of continued sin,—a sin unlike other sins,—not to be avoided, of daily occurrence, a sin which weighs me to the ground. But I should not sin the less were I to return to him. Of course he can plead his marriage. The thing is done. But it can't be right that a woman should pretend to love a man whom she loathes. I couldn't live with him. If it were simply to go and die, so that his pride would be gratified by my return, I would do it; but I should not die. There would come some horrid scene, and I should be no more a wife to him than I am while living here.” source