The body of the people must not find the principles of natural subordination by art rooted out of their minds.
 Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). copy citation

Author Edmund Burke
Source Reflections on the Revolution in France
Topic subordination art
Date 1790
Language English


“Good order is the foundation of all good things. To be enabled to acquire, the people, without being servile, must be tractable and obedient. The magistrate must have his reverence, the laws their authority. The body of the people must not find the principles of natural subordination by art rooted out of their minds. They must respect that property of which they cannot partake. They must labor to obtain what by labor can be obtained; and when they find, as they commonly do, the success disproportioned to the endeavor, they must be taught their consolation in the final proportions of eternal justice.” source