Ah! no woman has ever been loved as I have been. No! Where is the use in being young? What do I care about them, indeed? I despise them—all those women who come here!
 Gustave Flaubert, Sentimental Education (1869). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Sentimental Education
Topic love women
Date 1869
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/27537/27537-h/27537-h.htm


“"The sight of your foot makes me lose my self-possession."
An impulse of modesty made her rise. Then, without any further movement, she said, with the strange intonation of a somnambulist:
"At my age!—he—Frederick! Ah! no woman has ever been loved as I have been. No! Where is the use in being young? What do I care about them, indeed? I despise them—all those women who come here! "Oh! very few women come to this place," he returned, in a complaisant fashion. [321]
Her face brightened up, and then she asked him whether he meant to be married.
He swore that he never would.
"Are you perfectly sure?” source