It is inevitable that daily familiarity with danger will lead men to take chances that can be construed into negligence.
 Theodore Roosevelt, State of the Union Address. copy citation


“In this respect the generosity of the United States towards its employees compares most unfavorably with that of every country in Europe--even the poorest. The terms of the act are also a hardship in prohibiting payment in cases where the accident is in any way due to the negligence of the employee. It is inevitable that daily familiarity with danger will lead men to take chances that can be construed into negligence. So well is this recognized that in practically all countries in the civilized world, except the United States, only a great degree of negligence acts as a bar to securing compensation. Probably in no other respect is our legislation, both State and National, so far behind practically the entire civilized world as in the matter of liability and compensation for accidents in industry.” source