We know that peace comes from honesty and fair dealing, from moderation, and a generous regard for the rights of others. The heart of the Nation is more important than treaties. A spirit of generous consideration is a more certain defense than great armaments.
 Calvin Coolidge, State of the Union Address (6 December 1927). copy citation

Author Calvin Coolidge
Source State of the Union Address
Topic honesty moderation
Date 6 December 1927
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5036/5036-h/5036-h.htm


“Those who are peaceful and law-abiding realize that not only have they nothing to fear from us, but that they can rely on our moral support. Proposals for promoting the peace of the world will have careful consideration. But we are not a people who are always seeking for a sign. We know that peace comes from honesty and fair dealing, from moderation, and a generous regard for the rights of others. The heart of the Nation is more important than treaties. A spirit of generous consideration is a more certain defense than great armaments. We should continue to promote peace by our example, and fortify it by such international covenants against war as we are permitted under our Constitution to make.
Our country has made much progress.” source