But a stronger nation and economy require more than a balanced Budget. They require progress in those programs that spur our growth and fortify our strength.
 John F. Kennedy, State of the Union Address (11 January 1962). copy citation

Author John F. Kennedy
Source State of the Union Address
Topic strength economy
Date 11 January 1962
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5041/5041-h/5041-h.htm#2


“(2) Second, passage of the tax reforms previously urged, to remove unwarranted tax preferences, and to apply to dividends and to interest the same withholding requirements we have long applied to wages; and
(3) Third, extension of the present excise and corporation tax rates, except for those changes—which will be recommended in a message—affecting transportation.
But a stronger nation and economy require more than a balanced Budget. They require progress in those programs that spur our growth and fortify our strength. CITIES
A strong America depends on its cities—America’s glory, and sometimes America’s shame. To substitute sunlight for congestion and progress for decay, we have stepped up existing urban renewal and housing programs, and launched new ones—redoubled the attack on water pollution—speeded aid to airports, hospitals, highways, and our declining mass transit systems—and secured new weapons to combat organized crime, racketeering, and youth delinquency, assisted by the coordinated and hard-hitting efforts of our investigative services: the FBI, the Internal Revenue, the Bureau of Narcotics, and many others.” source