But complacency or self-congratulation can imperil our security as much as the weapons of tyranny. A moment of pause is not a promise of peace. Dangerous problems remain from Cuba to the South China Sea.
 John F. Kennedy, State of the Union Address (14 January 1963). copy citation

Author John F. Kennedy
Source State of the Union Address
Topic tyranny peace
Date 14 January 1963
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5041/5041-h/5041-h.htm#3


“We have doubled our efforts in space, to assure us of being first in the future. We have undertaken the most far-reaching defense improvements in the peacetime history of this country. And we have maintained the frontiers of freedom from Viet-Nam to West Berlin.
But complacency or self-congratulation can imperil our security as much as the weapons of tyranny. A moment of pause is not a promise of peace. Dangerous problems remain from Cuba to the South China Sea. The world’s prognosis prescribes, in short, not a year’s vacation for us, but a year of obligation and opportunity.
Four special avenues of opportunity stand out: the Atlantic Alliance, the developing nations, the new Sino-Soviet difficulties, and the search for worldwide peace.