The wise man hides himself not by slandering others but by exercising prudence.
 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (1274). copy citation

Author Thomas Aquinas
Source Summa Theologica
Topic prudence hiding
Date 1274
Language English
Note Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province


“to those who sin—it is evident that the accused also sins if he is guilty of collusion with his adversary. Nevertheless according to human laws no punishment is inflicted on him, for the reason given above. Reply Obj. 3: The wise man hides himself not by slandering others but by exercising prudence. _______________________ THIRD ARTICLE [II-II, Q. 69, Art. 3] Whether It Is Lawful for the Accused to Escape Judgment by Appealing? Objection 1: It would seem unlawful for the accused to escape judgment by appealing.” source