Love and prayer can hurt no one, can offend no one, and prayer is a real power.
 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (1854). copy citation

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe
Source Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands
Topic prayer love
Date 1854
Language English


“Let me ask those—those fathers and mothers in Israel—who have lived and prayed many years for this cause, that as they prayed for their own country in the hour of her struggle, so they will pray now for ours. Love and prayer can hurt no one, can offend no one, and prayer is a real power. If the hearts of all the real Christians of England are poured out in prayer, it will be felt through the heart of the whole American church. Let us all look upward, from our own feebleness and darkness, to Him of whom it is said, "He shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgment in the earth."” source